The Evolution of Channel Content Creation: The Rise of Drag-and-Drop Editors

Date: June 22, 2023
Author: Christopher Spann

Looking back, when I used to design and code HTML emails and landing pages, content creation was a complicated process for channel marketers. At that time, creating emails and landing pages was heavily reliant on web designers. HTML coding and table layouts were the norm, making the process complex and time-consuming. Additionally, the ever-changing rendering engines in email clients often caused compatibility issues, adding further challenges to ensuring consistent and visually appealing content. Therefore, for content creators in the channel, there was no way of getting around working with a creative or web designer to bring your content to life.

Unfortunately, very little has changed when it comes to content creation in today’s channel. While drag and drop editors are becoming common on popular platforms and apps, there are a vast number of vendors and partners still struggling to create good channel content with outdated tools. Drag and drop editors were simply not an option…until now.

Empowerment for Non-Technical Users

Enter the era of drag and drop editors. Drag and drop editors level the playing field for content creation, providing an intuitive, user-friendly interface that is accessible to all. The vast majority of content creators do not have backgrounds in coding or design. Now, even those without technical expertise can develop and implement professional channel content without being limited by technical constraints, resulting in more efficient content creation and faster time to deploy.

Content creators are constantly in need of ways to streamline their workflow, save time, and consistently deliver professional channel marketing content. Drag and drop editors provide these benefits and more. Using pre-built templates and layouts that can be cloned and modified easily by a single user.

Integrated drag and drop editors into your TCMA platform can add additional capabilities such as approval processes, linking emails and landing pages within campaigns and analytics to monitor the performance of the content. Before drag and drop editors, a large amount of energy was placed on content development from a technical standpoint, content creators are now able to focus on performance and producing results. WIthout getting bogged down in the creation process.

The New Standard

Drag and drop editors are now a staple for content creation and they continue to evolve. When referring to these editors in today’s channel landscape, it is hard to think of an instance where they are not fully integrated within a CMS or TCMA platform. To fully embrace the power of drag and drop editors, consider the following tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the editor: Take the time to explore the features and functionalities of the drag and drop editor. Understand how different elements can be customized and integrated into your content.
  • Utilize templates and assets: Leverage pre-designed templates and assets provided by the editor. These resources can significantly speed up the content creation process while maintaining a polished and professional look.
  • Experiment and iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different layouts, color schemes, and content structures. Drag and drop editors allow for easy modifications, enabling you to iterate and refine your content until it aligns perfectly with your vision.
  • Collaborate and share: Drag and drop editors often support collaboration features, allowing multiple team members to work on projects simultaneously. Embrace this collaborative aspect to enhance productivity and ensure a seamless content creation workflow.
Introducing AI

Recently, with the release of generative AI and ChatGPT, drag and drop editors have started taking full advantage of the technology. The integration of generative AI combined with drag and drop editors have created capabilities that are changing the landscape on content creation. Generative AI tools, such as StructuredWeb’s ChannelGPT, aid the user in writing and developing copy for content. That only scratches the surface as the generative AI can be trained to create channel marketing content in unprecedented time with accuracy in messaging, targeting and writing copy in the best tone that resonates with your audience.

Gone are the days of complicated coding and design hurdles in content creation. Drag and drop editors have simplified the process, enabling marketers and content creators to produce effective marketing materials with ease. By embracing drag and drop editors, you can streamline your content creation efforts, save time and resources.

Join us on June 27th at 12:00 PT for a webinar and live demo to discover how StructuredWeb’s Drag and Drop Editor can revolutionize your content creation process.
